Key Features:
An easy framework for offering Quick Report to clients & organization.
Readymade evidence based suggestions for offering intervention.
Easy documentation,
Handy data storage,
Easy analysis
Convenient monitoring

The Best for NICU
Q - INDIA EBUS is designed to protect the brain at the earliest for better performance throughout life. INDIA is an acronym for Individual Newborn Developmental Intervention Application. Individual intervention is based on the cues given by the baby and aimed at preventing stress on the immature developing brain. Technology is used for reliable and consistent care by all the team members to facilitate professional communication.
A key element of the app is that all the components are measurable and you get a score for each developmentally supportive intervention. Begin early intervention during acute care rather than relying on the post-discharge developmental intervention.
Key Features:
An easy framework for offering Developmentally Supportive Care.
Readymade suggestions for age-appropriate stimulation based on PMA
Evidence-based practical solutions for brain-oriented care in the NICU
Easy documentation and monitoring of neurodevelopmental care in the NICU

Digital Approach to Ayres Sensory Integration
DAASI is acronym for Digital Approach to Ayres Sensory Integration. It's a useful tool for evaluation, documentation, clinical reasoning, and analysis of Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy.
DAASI is designed by sensory integration certified occupational therapists, and in conjunction with professional advice from other occupational therapists around the world with specific expertise in sensory processing disorder.
While the digital interface helps professionals organize data better, therapists can also easily build reports for caregivers and school accommodations through the DAASI app.

Ease your hand therapy documentation and data analysis requirements
Hand Therapy is an application in the SMART (Simple Mobile Applications for Regular Therapy) series. It's helpful for improving your productivity. It eases your documentation and data analysis. It generates quick reports and charts. With this you can generate and share the new evidence from your regular practice.